
The E-Maj extension works with some parameters. Those are stored into the emaj_param internal table.

The emaj_param table structure is the following:

Column Type Description
param_key TEXT keyword identifying the parameter
param_value_text TEXT parameter value, if its type is text (otherwise NULL)
param_value_numeric NUMERIC parameter value, if its type is numeric (otherwise NULL)
param_value_boolean BOOLEAN parameter value, if its type is boolean (otherwise NULL)
param_value_interval INTERVAL parameter value, if its type is time interval (otherwise NULL)

The E-Maj extension installation procedure inserts a single row into the emaj_param table. This row, that should not be modified, describes parameter:

  • version : (text) current E-Maj version.

But the E-Maj administrator may insert other rows into the emaj_param table to change the default value of some parameters.

Presented in alphabetic order, the existing key values are:

  • alter_log_table : (text) ALTER TABLE directive executed at the log table creation ; no ALTER TABLE exectuted by default (to add one or several technical columns).
  • avg_fkey_check_duration : (interval) default value = 20 µs ; defines the average duration of a foreign key value check ; can be modified to better represent the performance of the server that hosts the database when using the emaj_estimate_rollback_group() function.
  • avg_row_delete_log_duration : (interval) default value = 10 µs ; defines the average duration of a log row deletion ; can be modified to better represent the performance of the server that hosts the database when using the emaj_estimate_rollback_group() function.
  • avg_row_rollback_duration : (interval) default value = 100 µs ; defines the average duration of a row rollback ; can be modified to better represent the performance of the server that hosts the database when using the emaj_estimate_rollback_group() function.
  • fixed_dblink_rollback_duration : (interval) default value = 4 ms ; defines an additional cost for each rollback step when a dblink connection is used ; can be modified to better represent the performance of the server that hosts the database when using the emaj_estimate_rollback_group() function.
  • fixed_table_rollback_duration : (interval) default value = 1 ms ; defines a fixed rollback cost for any table belonging to a group ; can be modified to better represent the performance of the server that hosts the database when using the emaj_estimate_rollback_group() function.
  • fixed_step_rollback_duration : (interval) default value = 2,5 ms ; defines a fixed cost for each rollback step ; can be modified to better represent the performance of the server that hosts the database when using the emaj_estimate_rollback_group() function.
  • history_retention : (interval) default value = 1 year ; it can be adjusted to change the retention delay of rows in the emaj_hist history table and some other technical tables ; a value greater or equal to 100 years is equivalent to infinity.

Below is an example of a SQL statement that defines a retention delay of history table’s rows equal to 3 months:

INSERT INTO emaj.emaj_param (param_key, param_value_interval) VALUES ('history_retention','3 months'::interval);

Any change in the emaj-param table’s content is logged into the emaj_hist table.

Only superuser and roles having emaj_adm rights can access the emaj_param table.

Roles having emaj_viewer rights can only access a part of the emaj_param table, through the emaj.emaj_visible_param view. This view just masks the real value of the param_value_text column for the ‘dblink_user_password’ key.

The emaj_export_parameters_configuration() and emaj_import_parameters_configuration() functions allow to save the parameters values and restore them.