
Updates recording overhead

Recording updates in E-Maj log tables has necessarily an impact on the duration of these updates. The global impact of this log on a given processing depends on numerous factors. Among them:

  • the part that the update activity represents on the global processing,
  • the intrinsic performance characteristics of the storage subsystem that supports log tables.

However, the E-Maj updates recording overhead is generally limited to a few per-cents. But this overhead must be compared to the duration of potential intermediate saves avoided with E-Maj.

E-Maj rollback duration

The duration of an E-Maj rollback depends on several factors, like:

  • the number of updates to cancel,
  • the intrinsic characteristics of the server and its storage material and the load generated by other activities hosted on the server,
  • triggers or foreign keys on tables processed by the rollback operation,
  • contentions on tables at lock set time.

To get an order of magnitude of an E-Maj rollback duration, it is possible to use the emaj_estimate_rollback_group() and emaj_estimate_rollback_groups() functions.

Optimizing E-Maj operations

Here are some advice to optimize E-Maj operations.

Use tablespaces

Creating tables into tablespaces located in dedicated disks or file systems is a way to more efficiently spread the access to these tables. To minimize the disturbance of application tables access by log tables access, the E-Maj administrator has two ways to use tablespaces for log tables and indexes location.

By setting a specific default tablespace for the session before the tables groups creation, log tables and indexes are created by default into this tablespace, without any additional action.

But through parameters set when calling the emaj_assign_table(), emaj_assign_tables() and emaj_modify_table() functions, it is also possible to specify a tablespace to use for any log table or log index

Declare foreign keys as DEFERRABLE

Foreign keys can be explicitly declared as DEFERRABLE at creation time. If a foreign key links two tables belonging to different tables groups or if one of them doesn’t belong to any tables group and if the foreign key has no ON DELETE or ON UPDATE clause then it is recommended to declare it as DEFERRABLE. This will avoid to be dropped and recreated at subsequent E-Maj rollbacks. The foreign key checks of updated rows are just deferred to the end of the rollback function execution, once all log tables are processed. This generally greatly speeds up the rollback operation.

Modify memory parameters

Increasing the value of the work_mem parameter when performing an E-Maj rollback may bring some performance gains.

If foreign keys have to be recreated by an E-Maj rollback operation, increasing the value of the maintenance_work_mem parameter may also help.

If the E-Maj rollback functions are directly called in SQL, these parameters can be previously set at session level by statements like:

SET work_mem = <value>;
SET maintenance_work_mem = <value>;

If the E-Maj rollback operations are executed by a web client, it is also possible to set these parameters at function level, as superuser:

ALTER FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_tbl(emaj.emaj_relation, BIGINT, BIGINT, INT, BOOLEAN) SET work_mem = <value>;
ALTER FUNCTION emaj._rlbk_session_exec(INT, INT) SET maintenance_work_mem = <value>;